Northwest Blacksmith Association

SWAPTOBERFEST 2018 Cube Contest


Upset 4″ x 1″ sq into Cube

*Only Tools allowed are 1 pair Tongs and 1 Hammer
* Team Members must alternate striking every other heat.
* Six heats Maximum
*Best Cube Wins based on the following criteria:

A. Squareness 10 pts.
B. Dimensionality 10 pts.
C. Crispness 10 pts.
D. Teamwork 10 pts.
E. Costume 10 pts.

  • First Place: Smokey and the Bandit, Bart Turner and Patrick Maher
  • Second Place: Ill Begotten Twins, Silas Maddox and David Tuthill
  • Third Place Tie:
    • X-Men, Cori Whitlock and Morgan Kirk
    • Mutatus Incubatus, Jason Brown and Torvald Sorenson 
  • Runners up: 
    • Strangers: Matt Moore and ? 
    • Parallela Pipers: Hunter ‘Bad Ass’ Dahlberg, Sweet Kellen Bateham, and a Dunce (name?) 
    • Riv Dogz: Andy Dohner and friend (name?)