Northwest Blacksmith Association

NWBA Membership that Automatically Renews

To pay for one year of NWBA Membership and set up automatic renewals, select the correct option below (U.S. or International Resident) and fill out the form. Once the form has been submitted, hit the Subscribe button. 

You will be sent to PayPal to complete your payment. Once payment is complete, you will be returned to our site. Auto-renewals can be cancelled anytime. Click Here for more info.


US Membership: $60 a year, billed on the same day each year

U.S. Resident Info






International Membership: $70 a year, billed on the same day each year

International Resident Info





Important: By Registering for NWBA Membership you agree to the terms of our Release of Liability Form. If you have any questions about registering for NWBA Membership please email