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A Proposal For Increasing Conference Membership | For the Good of the Order | Forum


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A Proposal For Increasing Conference Membership
May 4, 2013
3:04 pm
Lee Cordochorea
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Like everyone else who attended the general meeting between dinner and the auction, I sat politely and listened to our President, Bill Apple, speak about the state of our Association's finances. Like everyone else, I had that sinking feeling of living in the economy we currently live in. This has happened at a few such events. But it didn't feel so discouraging this time. Bill said something specific, you see. For me, that changed the whole game...

If I correctly understood Bills words, we need additional conference attendees - we need more members. By the math of a cock-eyed optimist, every five new members would yield two additional conference attendees. By the math of a dour pessimist, every 10 new members would yield three additional conference attendees. Either way, new members would help.

Members are people, right? And people have various interests. These various interests of various people often overlap.

For example, I am interested in science fiction and fantasy literature in addition to my interest in metallurgy and metal forming technique. Other folk interested in sci fi (folk I meet up with regularly at sci fi conventions) will sometimes be interested in smith's work. I actually get some oohs and aahs from the sci fi crowd when they learn I'm a "real blacksmith." This happens despite my confession that I'm just a hobbyist.

Here is my proposal to the Board:

Some folk at sci fi conventions are indeed interested in smith's work. How do we reach them? Sci fi conventions have a venue called "fan tables." This is simply a table manned by and dedicated to some organized activity of peripheral interest to folk at the convention. Here is a list of such groups having held tables at a recent (and very large) convention in SeaTac: And here is a list from a convention in Portland:

The sci fi convention in Portland comes up in November. I HEREBY VOLUNTEER (if given sanction by the Board) to coordinate a fan table at this convention. I cannot do this alone. I need three or four other NWBA members (preferably who like sci fi or fantasy literature or movies) along side me. I propose we have several nifty bits of steel on the table and be ready to speak about how amazingly cool the NWBA is. I propose enthusiastically that we have a fat stack of NWBA membership application forms on hand.

The devil is in the details, of course. Everyone at this table must have a membership in the sci fi convention. I'm going anyway, so I already have one. This is where it would help for other NWBA members who are in the vicinity of Portland and who are also sci fi / fantasy fans to step up as well.

Here is my proposal and challenge to my fellow NWBA members:

You have interests outside of smith's work as well. Maybe you go to garden shows, or dog shows, or home-brew clubs. Maybe you attend artists conventions or insurance conventions or vintage car rallies. The point is this: you can network socially. Once upon a time that meant face-to-face social contact instead of this internet garbage. It can mean that again.

Where can YOU help the NWBA find potential new members? What groups do you hang with where folk think its cool you are a smith? How can you introduce the NWBA to them?

No matter where you go... there you are.

May 5, 2013
3:16 am
Bruce Crittenden
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[TABLE=width: 500] [TR] [TD]Hi,lee. I commend you for being concerned about our great group of blacksmiths. We are a diverse and unique bunch.I don't think you need to ask sanction to promote the craft of smithing to new people who share our interests.We are all volunteers when it comes down to the work of spreading the word about the NWBA.I support your plan and concept. Although I am along way from Portland ,I still want to help.I will start by suggesting that besides the fat stack of membership forms ,also available for review would be extra copies of the Hot Iron News. Bill Apple can arrange to have these on hand. There are always extra copies printed and are available for this purpose.Stay positive, it is very refreshing to see someone with a good idea Who is actually buying into our group as an owner.Stay in touch with board members,they are here to field questions and assist in any way the mission statements under documents on the home's what we do!
good luck Bruce C.[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

Lee Cordochorea;17892 wrote: Like everyone else who attended the general meeting between dinner and the auction, I sat politely and listened to our President, Bill Apple, speak about the state of our Association's finances. Like everyone else, I had that sinking feeling of living in the economy we currently live in. This has happened at a few such events. But it didn't feel so discouraging this time. Bill said something specific, you see. For me, that changed the whole game...

If I correctly understood Bills words, we need additional conference attendees - we need more members. By the math of a cock-eyed optimist, every five new members would yield two additional conference attendees. By the math of a dour pessimist, every 10 new members would yield three additional conference attendees. Either way, new members would help.

Members are people, right? And people have various interests. These various interests of various people often overlap.

For example, I am interested in science fiction and fantasy literature in addition to my interest in metallurgy and metal forming technique. Other folk interested in sci fi (folk I meet up with regularly at sci fi conventions) will sometimes be interested in smith's work. I actually get some oohs and aahs from the sci fi crowd when they learn I'm a "real blacksmith." This happens despite my confession that I'm just a hobbyist.

Here is my proposal to the Board:

Some folk at sci fi conventions are indeed interested in smith's work. How do we reach them? Sci fi conventions have a venue called "fan tables." This is simply a table manned by and dedicated to some organized activity of peripheral interest to folk at the convention. Here is a list of such groups having held tables at a recent (and very large) convention in SeaTac: And here is a list from a convention in Portland:

The sci fi convention in Portland comes up in November. I HEREBY VOLUNTEER (if given sanction by the Board) to coordinate a fan table at this convention. I cannot do this alone. I need three or four other NWBA members (preferably who like sci fi or fantasy literature or movies) along side me. I propose we have several nifty bits of steel on the table and be ready to speak about how amazingly cool the NWBA is. I propose enthusiastically that we have a fat stack of NWBA membership application forms on hand.

The devil is in the details, of course. Everyone at this table must have a membership in the sci fi convention. I'm going anyway, so I already have one. This is where it would help for other NWBA members who are in the vicinity of Portland and who are also sci fi / fantasy fans to step up as well.

Here is my proposal and challenge to my fellow NWBA members:

You have interests outside of smith's work as well. Maybe you go to garden shows, or dog shows, or home-brew clubs. Maybe you attend artists conventions or insurance conventions or vintage car rallies. The point is this: you can network socially. Once upon a time that meant face-to-face social contact instead of this internet garbage. It can mean that again.

Where can YOU help the NWBA find potential new members? What groups do you hang with where folk think its cool you are a smith? How can you introduce the NWBA to them?

May 5, 2013
3:58 am
James vonMosch
White Salmon, WA
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Hear, hear!!! Kudos to you, Lee. Those kinds of connections will certainly help. Myself, I have gone to a couple of re-enactments/rendevous type events where traditional blacksmithing is an interest. I have been trying to promote the NWBA by offering a substantial discount on coal to members, and whenever a non-member buys coal I inform them of the great offerings of the NWBA and give them a copy of a hot iron news. Another item might help... When I attended the CANIRON event, they had activities for family members. I recall glass bead making and felting, and a couple of other things. Don't know if the demonstrators were paid, but I think they were volunteers.

May 6, 2013
2:03 am
Larry L
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Its a great idea, and although I can see the benefit of having other NWBA members there I think you could pull off what you propose solo. (My experience has been its really hard to get others excited about even good ideas)

I think you understood Bill correctly and we do need to do everything we can to foster both membership and conference attendance but my personal feeling is our first priority is to get current membership to support events.

Not everyone can always make it but if we had just 10-20% more of the members show up to the conference it would make a massive financial difference. The reason being is the "break even" point is about what we hit. I think the number Bill tossed out was it took 170 paying attendees to break even, so at 170 the group nets nothing, at 160 we are a grand or so short.... At 125 like we had at Enumclaw we took a big hit and had to use most of the auction proceeds to just break even... But if we could get 200 folks there, or a bit over a third of the membership, then we would be sitting pretty, and that's only 30 folks from where we where this last conference at the current fee rate.

New members is a long term necessity and something we should strive for seeking any avenue possible to scout for those interested in hitting hot iron, but first and foremost we as members need to step up and support the origination we belong to and understand that without us there is no NWBA and it takes active participation to make it work even if that participation is just bringing your body to the event...

Whatever you are, be a good one.
Abraham Lincoln

May 6, 2013
3:03 am
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Do we have a recruitment flyer to hand to people, that may be interested in our club or events?

May 9, 2013
6:07 am
Lynn Gledhill
Junction City, Oregon
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Larry L;17903 wrote:
New members is a long term necessity and something we should strive for seeking any avenue possible to scout for those interested in hitting hot iron,

Hey All: Larry is absolutely right in this!!! I have been thinking since the Spring Conference, about the hands-on classes... I heard feedback from quite a number of folks, which has influenced my thoughts... Talking with Darryl, and Bill, I began to think that many of the younger people just want to hit some hot iron and make some cool stuff!
Here's my idea, and I make a proposal to the board of the NWBA; Anyone under 18 years old, who wants to get into a class: they're in... NO CHARGE!!! Those over that age can have their names drawn and get in the class and pay the $20...

Another thought... Let's move the hands-on classes to the big building just east of where the demonstrators were doing there thing... Much easier for everyone who wants to check out the demonstrators and... what's going on in the hands-on.

Here's the biggest idea: Let's have 30 forging stations!!! THAT'S RIGHT, 30 FORGING STATIONS!!! I'll organize 20 hands-on instructors. We will offer no payment, except, maybe materials to any volunteer hands-on instructor... I began to think, (after running the hands-on at the last conference,) that there are a LOT of young people out there who would LOVE a chance to forge something cool... Something they could take home and show their friends, and be proud of the fact that THEY forged it... And if we could offer that for free??!!/!..???

I'll be asking folks to bring forges and anvils... I can bring 2 forges and 2 anvils and will donate the propane, and a couple of hammers and some tongs... I was impressed that at one of drawings for a hands-on class, that two older guys drew out and gave their places to a couple of young people, and even paid the $20 for the kids!!! Wow!!! This is where we need to be!!!

I will volunteer to teach 4 hands-on classes this next conference... No pay... I can teach simple things; forging a heart pendant; forging a horseshoe heart; forging a leaf; forging a bottle opener...

We have a number of great smiths who can and will join in to get the young folks involved!!! We need them!!!

May 9, 2013
6:13 am
Lynn Gledhill
Junction City, Oregon
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I had another thought... Any first time new member at a conference is automatically in for any class they want for free!!! If you want to bitch about it, I'll pay the $20...:mstickle::mstickle::mstickle:

May 9, 2013
1:43 pm
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Lynn Gledhill;17929 wrote:

Another thought... Let's move the hands-on classes to the big building just east of where the demonstrators were doing there thing... Much easier for everyone who wants to check out the demonstrators and... what's going on in the hands-on.

I think the only reason the hands on was where it was, was to make it easy for set up and breakdown.

May 9, 2013
3:18 pm
Lynn Gledhill
Junction City, Oregon
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craig;17931 wrote: I think the only reason the hands on was where it was, was to make it easy for set up and breakdown.

Yes, it is very handy to have the clubhouse!! Terrific for the monthly hammer-ins. Shouldn't be too much to move to the other building once a year.

May 10, 2013
1:26 am
Bruce Crittenden
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Lynn Gledhill;17932 wrote: Yes, it is very handy to have the clubhouse!! Terrific for the monthly hammer-ins. Shouldn't be too much to move to the other building once a year.

Greetings Lynn, I think I have said this before ... But I will say it again... THANKS... Big time for the excellent work you have been doing with the hands- on segment of our conferences. I absolutely support the forward motion the program has taken on. A larger area is definitely needed if your plan for thirty stations goes into place. Our present space lacks proper ventilation and room. The suggestion of removing one section of seating(bleachers) has been discussed and may be tried at the next hammer-in,and the fans on Saturday night did help. We have a fuel system in that bldg. which would be difficult to move.The use of a propane bottle inside a bldg. has been unacceptable in the view of the fire inspector. I don't want to sound negative but there are some limitations in moving from where we are to where we need to be. I am currently working as a coordinator (one) for our 2014 spring conference. Lets really put our heads together and move ahead with your ideas. There is a path to follow in bringing our association to the next and better level. Lets find that path and follow it. So, for all that read this forum ,keep bringing suggestions and new ideas. Contact the board members,it is their obligation to utilize ideas which will make our organization financially stable.

May 10, 2013
3:04 am
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I have a squirrel cage fan I can donate the next time I get to a hammer-in.
It pushes a lot of air and it is free.

I'd like to thank Lynn too.

May 11, 2013
1:24 am
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I had a thought that might go with the plethora of forging stations. If there will be a lot of little projects then maybe some of them could be in series: Such as one station making a punch (if an individual desires), that punch could then be used on a J hook. Or a chisel which is then used on a leaf pendant. Etc.

Also I've wondered about the feasability of (for those who desire) something along the lines of the national curriculum during some of the monthly hammerins at the club house/mentoring center or whatever it's called now. I had recently been asked by someone if there was a graduated way of learning blacksmithing...... that would help in that.

June 26, 2013
2:37 am
Lee Cordochorea
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Post lost due to error.

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June 26, 2013
12:01 pm
Lee Cordochorea
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I’ve been thinking about what Larry said…


Its a great idea, and although I can see the benefit of having other NWBA members there I think you could pull off what you propose solo. (My experience has been its really hard to get others excited about even good ideas)


My initial knee-jerk was that I would no way spend 24 hours of the three-day weekend manning the table by myself. Got to have help.


But I kept thinking about the “hard to get others excited" part.


So, I’m going to try to suss out which shifts at the table will give the most bang for the buck. I’ll also contact some of the other table holders to try & get a sense of when the area is most active. Two or three shifts at the table during the event will still be better than none.  Even if I only get one person to join our Association, that could well be one more person manning the table next time around.


Still, I would really appreciate help with this. I know some folk would rather go to the dentist than to a sci-fi convention. But I also know some folk would have fun there, fan table or no. If you are one of the folk who would drop $50 or $60 for membership (plus any travel & lodging) then please either reply to this thread or contact me via email. (thingmaker3 AT

No matter where you go... there you are.

November 9, 2013
5:13 pm
Lee Cordochorea
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Laugh I'm two days into the thick of it. One more to go.


The table is in a poor position, as we're the low-face on the totem pole, and I've only been there four or five hours each day, BUT...


There's quite a bit of interest. I've passed out most of the newsletters Bill gave me to pass out, and quite a few bookmarks with our website on it. I strongly suspect we'll get two or even three folk joining. Cool


That means we'll have a better chance of having the table better manned (as well as in a better spot) next year. AND we'll have the pamphlets by then (they were almost ready for this time.), yeah, I'm jazzed.

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